Title I is a federally funded initiative established under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This program allocates funds to schools and districts depending on the number of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals. Its aim is to guarantee that all students have access to high-quality education and resources to meet state academic requirements.
All schools in Wilkinson County operate under the Title I Program. For further details on Title I and Wilkinson County Schools, visit the Federal Programs section on the district website.
Do you have questions or concerns?
Dr. Virginia Rozier, Title I Director, 478.946.5521 ext 224
Chiquita Jackson, Parent Involvement Coordinator, 478.946.3616
Dr. Virginia Rozier, Title I Director, 478.946.5521 ext 224
Chiquita Jackson, Parent Involvement Coordinator, 478.946.3616